Tools for Telesummits

First things first. Find a VA. I’m being 100% serious. You cannot do this alone. I repeat….You. Can. NOT. DO. THIS. ALONE! UNLESS….you are independently wealthy, have no job and no commitments. It takes time, LOTS of time to create a telesummit you can be proud of.

Now, onto the actual tools you need to have access to FOR said VA:


Why? Because you better research the daylights out of your telesummit theme. You need to find out how to stand out, what are other people in your same field not doing that you CAN do to stand out in the crowd.  This is also where you are going to research speakers. You need to have a list of at LEAST 150 people to reach out to.

Google Drive is a must as well. You need to store all your telesummit files together, where you can quickly and easily find them and usetools for telesummits them. Dropbox is another great one, although if you use too much space, you will have to pay for that one.


Aweber is a middle of the road email marketing tool. There are cheaper ones, there are more expensive ones. The cheaper ones, while ok if you have a small list and don’t plan on growing, aren’t great when you want to branch out a bit. (Yes, that is my affiliate link above, feel free to check it out!!)

It is how you will interview your speakers. Zoom is super user-friendly and you get some amazing high-quality videos taken. Which is one stress you do NOT need….crappy videos mean unprofessional. Your unsubscribes will skyrocket if that’s what the subscriber sees.

Video editing software.

Yes, I know, your videos are ALL going to go off and be recorded without a hitch. No hesitations. No audio issues. No internet issues. BUUUUUT……it won’t. And by having good editing software, the viewers will think they DID go off without a hitch! The power of technology!

Vimeo or YouTube.

Vimeo will cost you a fee. So I recommend using YouTube. If you have it all edited to start with, it takes a short amount of time and costs you little to nothing to upload a video to YouTube.


Please, if you listen to nothing else, please please please use WordPress. BECAUSE… really need to use their plugin for OptimizePress. Which does cost, but worth every penny. Optimize press integrates with your Aweber and makes the opt-in buttons seamless. Along with a ton of options which are all user-friendly! As far as tools for telesummits, this is a BIG one.


Start a group on Facebook for your summit. Keep everyone IN the conversation so your audience sees value in YOU and what you do! (And feel free to follow ME on FB!!!)

Graphic Designer.

You want your banner to look A-MAZ-ING! It needs to turn heads right off the bat. Fiverr is a great place to get one of those built for you, very affordably.


If you aren’t a whiz at Photoshop, go to Canva. Canva allows you to make amazing images for your telesummit.

Did I mention you should hire a VA? Face With Tears of Joy on Apple iOS 11.3

Click Here to schedule a time to talk about YOUR upcoming telesummit!

Have a great week!!! xoxo