Do you feel like you NEVER have enough time? That you forget meetings because you didn’t look at your calendar. OR you forgot to write the dang thing IN your calendar. Been there. Done that.

You are definitely not alone. It can be a challenge for sure. A battle some would say! It doesn’t HAVE to be that way! Seriously!

Here are my Top 10 Tips to Calendar Management:

  1. Review your calendar at the beginning of your week. Some like to do it Sundays so they have a grasp on the upcoming week. Some prefer Mondays. It all depends on what works best for you!
  2. As soon as you book a meeting with someone…schedule it immediately! Make sure to have your calendar app on your phone in case you aren’t at your office.
  3. USE REMINDERS. Again…DO it! My daughter even knows to put it in my phone as a reminder so it GETS DONE. (Don’t have the husband taught yet….work in progress!)
  4. Don’t let meetings go over. 30 minutes is plenty of time for the majority of meetings. Maybe 45…but don’t let it go over. Be mindful that you have to stay ON schedule.
  5. Sometimes, you just HAVE to say no. Why that one small, little two letter word is soooo hard to say, I’ll never know. But I’m guilty as well.
  6. Color coding is not only handy for quick glances, but it makes everything look a little brighter! And fun!
  7. Schedule everything in. Your dog has a haircut that you have to take him to….SCHEDULE it. Your daughter has a volleyball game…schedule it! Schedule your lunches! You need to hit the gym…..yep…you guessed it…SCHEDULE IT!
  8. If you have an assistant(or even your family) share that calendar. It helps everyone stay on track!
  9. Keep your calendar uncluttered. No back to back meetings. No overlapping appointments. Make sure its doable, or don’t schedule it!
  10. At the end of each day…check out the next day. Make sure it all makes sense so you aren’t scattered. If you need to move or cancel something, do it!

You can do this! And if you need help….call a VA! 😊