Staying focused in your business is extremely important. Whether your business is a coaching business, virtual assistant business, e-commerce business…whatever it is! You MUST stay focused. Here are 8 tips I found helpful for my own virtual assistant business. I hope you find them helpful as well!

1. Have the RIGHT systems and processes in place. This will save you so much time and even energy! Efficient systems and processes for each task saves time and helps you stay on track to meet your goals.

2. Organize your emails. Use your folders, filters and rules to keep track of everything! If you aren’t going to read that newsletter that comes in….trash it! Don’t keep unneeded or unwanted emails. Even better…UNSUBSCRIBE to them! Have you ever used It is AWESOME! LOVE it!

3. Declutter. If your desk has piles of papers, books, whatever all over it….that makes it hard to stay focused. Have a clean working area at all times! Every night when you’re done…put things where they go! File them. Trash them. Whatever needs done, don’t stop your day until it is done!

4. Review your processes on a regular basis. If something isn’t working as smooth as you want, change it! Maybe talk to your mentor or coach….they may have a better way of doing some things!

5. Invoice regularly. If you don’t invoice the clients regularly, they can’t pay you regularly.  If they don’t know what they owe, it’s not their fault! Get organized!

6. Make daily to-do lists. This helps your brain stay focused and what an amazing feeling when you have everything crossed off that list!

7. Take breaks. At least 2-3 a day! NOT counting your lunch break. Don’t eat lunch at your desk. (I know…sometimes you’re in the middle of a launch and have no choice) BUT for the most part…take those breaks! Stretch. Take a walk. Take a nap! Get your mind refreshed so that you are thinking clearly at all times!

8. Hire Help! Virtual Assistants can help you get the things that take your mind away from your main goal, DONE! And in less time, usually, than it will take you!

How do you stay focused? Share below in the comments! I would love to hear YOUR tips!